Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Report: Practical Guidance for scaling up healthcare innovations

There's a FAB report from WHO and Expandnet with clear and concise guidance for the scaling up of healthcare innovations.

There's no excuse now to write more how to guides (yes, that includes me!0 - let's get using the guidance we have to make a difference.

The report covers:

Scaling up: definition and underlying principles 
Why successfully tested innovations? 
A guided process from the outset 
Who should use this guide? 
Content and structure of this guide 

2. An applied framework for scaling up 
The innovation 
The user organization 
The environment 
The resource team or organization 
Strategic choice areas 

3. The innovation 
Attributes of innovations that enhance the potential for scaling up 
How to enhance the attributes of success and the potential for sustainable scaling up

4. The user organization(s) 
Attributes of user organization(s) that facilitate successful scaling up 
How to enhance the capacity of the user organization(s) to ensure successful scaling up 

5. The environment 
How to maximize the opportunities for sustainable scaling up inherent in the environment 

6. The resource team or organization 
Attributes of a successful resource team or organization 
How to ensure that the resource team or organization can maximize the potential for sustainable scaling up

7. Strategic choices for scaling up 
Type(s) of scaling up 
Dissemination and advocacy 
Organizing the scaling-up process 
Costs of scaling up and resource mobilization 
Monitoring and evaluation of scaling up 

8. Strategic planning and management of scaling up are a balancing act 
How to create and maintain balance in scaling up 

9. Conclusion 

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