Friday, 14 December 2012

A Mandate for NHS Improvers?

The new NHS Mandate sets out the standards the patients and their families should expect. It is both strategic and operational. It’s not perfect but what it does contain is specific and difficult to argue with. Yes, there will always be things it hasn’t covered, but in the end, it’s better to have something than nothing.

What might be a Mandate for people whose task it is to support he implementation of the Mandate, to work with CCGs in making local changes and whose role it is to help individuals and teams create the new NHS.  I’ve drafted a few thoughts on this mandate, please add your comments if you have additional items to add.

The NHS you support should expect interventions that:
1. deliver a good return on investment
2. take the minimum of staff time away from the patient
3. are directly connected to the CCG or provider business
4. are for the user of the intervention
5. focus on the NHS rather than other systems national or internationally
6. practice what they preach (QIPP especially)
7. others?

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