Monday, 18 April 2011

Leadership models and theories - some links

I'm often asked what leadership theory I espouse. I'm never sure how to answer because I think leadership is a practice and not a theory. However - as we know, all models and theories can be useful (though remember none are right!).

Here is a collection of a few of the places where I go for leadership theory information

  1. Academic online library - this is always my first choice (keep those fingers of the Google Search button!). Here is can find properly thought out, detailed, reviewed and practised theories. It is also here that I learn about the latest research and practice.  For me, these papers are more useful that books as they are not subject to marketing bias.
  2. Google Scholar Search - bridges the academic library with the wider Google Search
  3. Current books - either buy, download or go to the physical library to borrow
  4. The Web...
Some useful web links:
  1. Nice summary and overview for those of us who often don't have time to read a whole book or figure out the complexities of a paper
  2. A review of leadership theories and competency frameworks - ok, this is a paper, but a useful one...
  3. has a page full of ideas and concepts to keep you thinking

Post your favourites in the comments section.

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