Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Model 2: data, information, knowledge, wisdom

There is an excellent post about wisdom on one of my favourite sites - Big Dog and Little Dog's Performance Juxtaposition (yes, really!).  It's a place I recommend you spend some time checking out.

I like the way this model gets me thinking about how we learn - there are connections here to the Honey & Mumford Learning styles.  The fact that there is a continuum for context is also thought-provoking.  This model has left me wondering whether in many of our quality improvement projects we focus too much on the bottom left hand corner and assume the progression to wisdom will be automatic. What would happen if we thought more and designed more of the journey to wisdom into our improvement interventions (and by extension, into our evaluations of projects)?


  1. I think there is a lot more to the "knowledge" step perhaps. I'd break it down into principles and strategies. The "Wisdom" is really understanding which principles apply to "my" context and then having the skill and discipline to mine strategies, or change ideas (in that area of the principle) likely to be successful....
